Operator Algebras and Applications – Dedicated to Professor Maria Amélia Bastos
ENSPM 2022 – Tomar – Parallel Session – 18th july 15:30 Website: https://enspm2022.spm.pt/programa-sessoes-paralelas/
CEAFEL Seminar
On Friday, 03/05/2019, 15:00 — 16:00, in Room P3.10 of Mathematics Building of the IST will take place a seminar by Alexei karlovich (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) with title “Algebras of Continuous Fourier Multipliers on Variable Lebesgue Spaces”.
IWOTA 2019
The 30th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, IWOTA 2019 will be held from Monday July 22nd through Friday July 26th, at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. IWOTA 2019 will be focused on the latest developments in Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and related fields. IWOTA 2019 intends to bring together mathematicians and engineers […]
7th workshop on Representation Theory
Members of CEAFEL are organising the 7th workshop on Representation Theory at Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, December 14-15, 2018.
IWOTA 2019
We are pleased to announce the 30th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, IWOTA 2019, to be held from Monday July 22nd through Friday July 26th, at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
CEAFEL Seminar
On Friday, 06/07/2018, 15:00 — 16:00, in Room P3.10 of Mathematics Building of the IST will take place a seminar by Miguel Tierz (Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, Lisboa) with title “Minors of Toeplitz matrices, symmetric functions and random matrix ensembles”
CEAFEL Seminar
On Friday, 18/05/2018, 15:00 — 16:00, in Room P3.10 of Mathematics Building of the IST will take place a seminar by
Olga Azenhas (Universidade de Coimbra, CMUC) with title
“Involutions for symmetries of Littlewood-Richardson (LR) coefficients”.
CEAFEL Seminar
On Friday, 04/05/2018, 15:00 — 16:00, in Room P3.10 of Mathematics Building of the IST will take place a seminar by
Mario Moctezuma Salazar (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México) with title “Toeplitz matrices and Schur polynomials”.
CEAFEL Seminar
On Friday, 27/04/2018, 15:00 — 16:00, in Room P3.10 of Mathematics Building of the IST will take place a seminar by
Pedro Freitas (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa) with title
“The spectral determinant of the quantum harmonic oscillator in arbitrary dimensions”.
CEAFEL Seminar
On Friday, 02/03/2018, 15:00 — 16:00, in Room P3.10 of Mathematics Building of the IST will take place a seminar by
Albrecht Bottcher (Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany) with title
“Four concrete applications of Toeplitz operators”.
CEAFEL Seminar
On Friday, 05/01/2018, 15:30 — 16:30, in Room P3.10 of Mathematics Building of the IST will take place a seminar by Yuri Karlovich (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico) with title “One-sided invertibility of discrete functional operators with bounded coefficients”